Understanding Dyscalculia
A Guide to Learning Differences in Math
Learn about dyscalculia, a learning disorder that affects math skills, and find strategies and interventions for success.

Understanding Dyscalculia - A Math Learning Disability
Dyscalculia is a specific learning disorder characterized by persistent difficulty in comprehending or learning math and any number-based information. Despite having an average to above-average intelligence and receiving adequate instruction, individuals with this condition usually struggle with understanding mathematical concepts, performing mathematical operations, and applying them in real-world situations which include telling time, and measuring objects. Dyscalculia is often referred to as "math dyslexia" because it is similar to dyslexia, a learning disorder that affects reading skills.
While dyscalculia is not well-known or understood by many, it is estimated that up to 6% of the population may have some degree of dyscalculia. It can be diagnosed in children as young as five years old, and may persists throughout adulthood. This condition is considered a neurological condition that affects the normal development of mathematical skills.
What Causes Dyscalculia?
Experts have yet to know what is the primary cause of the development of dyscalculia. However, some researchers believe that it may be due to differences in brain structure or function, while others suggest that it could be a result of environmental factors, such as a lack of exposure to math concepts or inadequate instruction.
Studies have shown that children with dyscalculia often have difficulty with spatial reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. These cognitive skills are essential for understanding mathematical concepts and performing mathematical operations.
Researchers were able to identify some of the possible causes of dyscalculia which are:
- Genetics and hereditary - Research shows that genetics may play a part in the development of this disorder. It is said that parents who struggle with math tend to pass their inability to learn the subject to their kids.
- Brain structure and function - Differences in brain structure and function, particularly in regions associated with mathematical processing, may contribute to dyscalculia. Brain imaging studies have shown variations in the structure of the parietal lobe, a region involved in numerical processing, may affect the efficiency of neural pathways responsible for an individual's mathematical learning.
People with dyscalculia may experience challenges in tasks related to numerical comprehension, manipulation, and calculation due to atypical development or functioning of the parietal lobe. The observed differences in brain imaging studies highlight the intricate relationship between neurobiology and mathematical abilities, shedding light on potential factors contributing to the manifestation of dyscalculia.
Symptoms of Dyscalculia
The symptoms of dyscalculia can vary from person to person, and they may be more or less severe depending on the individual. Some common signs of dyscalculia include:
- Difficulty understanding mathematical concepts
- Difficulty with basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
- Issues with time-telling, counting money and measuring objects
- Difficulties with spatial reasoning, such as recognizing patterns and shapes
- Difficulty with memorizing and recalling math facts
- Difficulty with mental math and estimation
- Issues with problem-solving and critical thinking
Diagnosing Dyscalculia
Dyscalculia can be diagnosed through a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified professional, such as a neuropsychologist or educational psychologist. The evaluation typically includes a thorough assessment of the individual's cognitive skills, academic performance, and mathematical abilities.
The diagnosis is based on a combination of factors, including the presence of specific symptoms, a history of academic and mathematical difficulties, and the results of standardized tests.
Treatment for Dyscalculia
While there is no cure for dyscalculia, there are interventions and strategies that can help individuals with dyscalculia improve their math skills and succeed in academic and daily life. Some effective treatments include:
Multisensory Instruction:
This approach uses visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning techniques to help individuals understand mathematical concepts.
Individualized Instruction:
One-on-one instruction with a math tutor or special education teacher can help individuals receive personalized support and attention.
Technology-Based Interventions:
There are many math apps and computer programs that are designed specifically for individuals with dyscalculia.
Accommodations and Modifications:
In the classroom, accommodations such as extra time on math tests, the use of a calculator, and access to manipulatives can help individuals succeed.
Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that affects a person's ability to understand and work with numbers. While it can be a significant challenge for individuals, with the right interventions and strategies, it is possible to improve math skills and succeed in academic and daily life.
If you or a loved one suspects that dyscalculia may be present, seek out a qualified professional for a comprehensive evaluation. With the right support and interventions, individuals can overcome their challenges and thrive.
- About dyscalculia (no date) UNESCO MGIEP. Available at: https://mgiep.unesco.org/article/about-dyscalculia (Accessed: 02 February 2024).
- Dyscalculia (no date) Dyscalculia - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/dyscalculia.
- Frye, D. (2023) What is dyscalculia? math learning disability overview, ADDitude. Available at: https://www.additudemag.com/what-is-dyscalculia-overview-and-symptom-breakdown/ .
- professional, C.C. medical (no date) Dyscalculia: What it is, causes, symptoms & treatment, Cleveland Clinic. Available at: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23949-dyscalculia.
- Singh, M. and engineer, M.S. (2022) Role of genetics in prevalence of dyscalculia, Number Dyslexia. Available at: https://numberdyslexia.com/role-of-genetics-in-prevalence-of-dyscalculia/.
- What is dyscalculia? (no date) Understood. Available at: https://www.understood.org/en/articles/what-is-dyscalculia.
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