Neural Biofeedback

Enhancing Brain Functioning through Self-Regulation

Neural biofeedback is a non-invasive technique that measures and trains brainwave activity to improve brain functioning.

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Neural Biofeedback: Enhancing Brain Functioning through Self-Regulation

Neural biofeedback, also known as EEG biofeedback, is a type of therapy that uses real-time monitoring of your brainwaves to train your brain for better self-regulation. It falls under the broader umbrella of biofeedback, which uses information about various bodily functions to help you control them. In this case, the focus is on brain activity. This therapy has been used for a wide range of conditions, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, PTSD, and insomnia. One type of neurofeedback is neural biofeedback, which uses functional MRI (fMRI) or quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) to monitor brain activity and provide feedback to the patient. In this article, we'll explore neural biofeedback and how it can benefit individuals seeking to improve their mental health.

What is Neural Biofeedback?

It's a type of neurofeedback that uses imaging techniques like fMRI or qEEG to monitor brain activity and provide feedback to the patient. The imaging technology measures the electrical activity or blood flow in the brain and translates it into visual or auditory feedback that the patient can observe in real-time. This feedback can help individuals learn how to self-regulate their brain activity, which can lead to improvements in mental health.

How Does Neural Biofeedback Work?

It's a non-invasive process that typically involves several steps:

  • Initial Assessment - The patient undergoes an initial assessment to identify the areas of the brain that require training.
  • Brain Mapping -  fMRI or qEEG is used to monitor brain activity and identify the areas of the brain that require training. A computer program analyses the electrical signals from the electrodes. These signals are categorized by their frequency (speed of the waves), with different frequencies linked to different mental states. For example, slower alpha waves indicate relaxation, while faster beta waves are associated with alertness.
  • Neural Biofeedback - The patient watches visual or auditory feedback in real-time as they learn how to self-regulate their brain activity. Based on the brainwave analysis, the computer provides you with immediate feedback in the form of audio or visual cues. Imagine a video game where the on-screen activity reflects your brainwave patterns. The feedback might be brighter visuals or soothing sounds when your brain produces desired wave patterns, and vice versa.
  • Practice - The patient practices regulating their brain activity during the feedback session. Depending on your condition, the therapist will target specific brainwave patterns. For example, someone with anxiety might aim to increase alpha waves for relaxation, while someone with ADHD might work on regulating beta waves for better focus.
  • Progress Evaluation - The patient's progress is evaluated through follow-up brain mapping sessions to determine the effectiveness of the training.


Benefits of Neural Biofeedback

Neural biofeedback can benefit individuals with various mental health conditions, including:

  • Anxiety and Depression

Neural biofeedback shows promise in alleviating symptoms of both anxiety and depression. It promotes relaxation as well as emotional regulation. It also boosts mood regulation of a person suffering from anxiety and depression. It also regulate sleep patters by encouraging brainwave pattern for better rest and sleep.

  • ADHD 

Neural biofeedback can help individuals with ADHD improve their attention and focus.

  • PTSD

Neural biofeedback can help individuals with PTSD reduce symptoms like hypervigilance and anxiety.

  • Insomnia

Can help individuals with insomnia improve their sleep quality and quantity.

Neural Biofeedback Can Help Chronic Pain - 

Can help individuals with chronic pain reduce their symptoms.

Why Choose Serin Center?

Serin Center is a leading provider of neural biofeedback therapy in Scottsdale, AZ. Here are some reasons to choose Serin Center:

Experienced Providers

Serin Center's providers have extensive experience in neurofeedback therapy and use the latest imaging technology.

Personalized Treatment

Serin Center provides individualized treatment plans based on each patient's unique needs.

Evidence-Based Therapy

Serin Center uses evidence-based therapy to ensure the highest level of care for their patients.

Convenient Location:

Serin Center is conveniently located in Peoria, Arizona, and Scottsdale, AZ, making it easily accessible for patients.

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive therapy that can benefit individuals seeking to improve their mental health. It uses imaging technology to monitor brain activity and provide feedback to the patient, which can help them learn how to self-regulate their brain activity. Serin Center is a leading provider in Scottsdale, AZ, with experienced providers, personalized treatment plans, evidence-based therapy, and a convenient location.

Serin Center experts have been utilizing applied neuroscience to enhance the lives of children, adolescents, adults, families, and executives with effective and innovative therapy.

Experience the power of innovative and effective applied neuroscience therapy for mental and emotional wellness. Visit Serin Center in Phoenix, Arizona. With offices in Peoria, AZ, and Scottsdale, AZ, our experts provide cutting-edge approaches for faster, long-lasting results. Upgrade your life today and contact us to see how we can help your child, teen, or yourself.