What is Neurofeedback Therapy used for?
It’s a good idea to investigate the cause as soon as something in your body isn’t working properly. A doctor may utilize one of the numerous biofeedback techniques to identify the root causes of your problem in order to understand what is happening generally.
You need to understand that the term biofeedback is a general term. It includes tests covering the whole range of biological functions, such as measuring heart rate, blood pressure, brain waves, and other bodily functions. A neurobiologist can identify the causes of your current issues by monitoring (using sensors and computer scans) any one of these areas.
While biofeedback is considered a general science, there is a second tier that gets more specific. As it pertains to brain function, that second tier is known as neurofeedback. In short, neurofeedback is a process of gathering feedback about specific brain wave functions to determine if there are any inconsistencies that might account for physical, emotional, or mental issues you might be feeling.
The Neurofeedback Process
Neurobiologists are trained to understand how the brain works and what happens when the brain isn’t functioning the way it should. Remember, the human brain is like a little computer. It is programmed via DNA (software) to function a certain way in a healthy, well-functioning human being. If your software malfunctions, you start having problems.
A neurobiologist would attach you to sensors and run a computer scan of your brain activity to identify the underlying causes of your neurological issues. This might take a while to accomplish, depending on the potential issues which the neurobiologist is looking for. A neurobiologist may now quickly identify which section of the brain is malfunctioning thanks to a technique known as quantitative EEG (QEEG), which maps the entire brain. That further enables them to pinpoint whether your primary issue or issues are caused by a faulty brain.
Once a problem or problems have been identified, a neurobiologist can use a variety of neurofeedback treatments to assist your brain return to normal operation. They can actually enter your brain and influence the particular issue area or areas to restore normal function.
What is Neurofeedback Therapy Used For?
If your brain were a computer that managed the operation of your body, you would want a method to detect when something was wrong. That is what neurofeedback is all about.
At the end of the assessment process, you would want a programmer there to fix any bugs that exist. Your brain’s bugs that are affecting your physical, emotional, or mental health are being fixed by a neurobiologist.
Let’s take a look at specific conditions that a neurobiologist might target with neurofeedback therapy. Hence, we will look at the potential benefits of neurofeedback therapy.
Best of 2023 Scottsdale Neurofeedback Therapy
Treatable Conditions with Neurofeedback Therapy
According to the information above, a brain malfunction might cause you to experience physical, emotional, or mental health issues.
As for the physical issues you might be experiencing, the list would include a stroke/aneurysm, sleep problems, body movement disorders, and neurological diseases like Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, and dementia.
On the mental health side, you might be experiencing issues like Post Traumatic Disorder Syndrome (PTSD), anxiety, depression, or certain mood disorders. Yes, psychological issues can occur because of faulty brain function.
To avoid any misunderstandings, psychological or mental disorder issues are symptoms, not the actual causes. However, there are brain functions that can go awry that will lead to the actual emotional or mental health problems. The neurobiologist is not interested in treating the symptom. They are interested in treating the specific brain malfunction that is causing the symptom.
Benefits of Neurofeedback Therapy
If you were to decide to let a neurobiologist start manipulating your brain, you would expect to get certain benefits from allowing them to do so. Depending on the conditions you are trying to address, there are certain benefits you could potentially receive. The list of benefits includes:
1. Improved Memory
Studies have shown that neurofeedback therapy improves memory function. When you consider that conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are treated with this form of medication, it all makes sense. One study found that 70% of those evaluated had considerably improved visuo-spatial short-term memory as a result of neurofeedback training.
2. Improved Sleep
When brain waves are not moving as they should, it tends to disrupt certain aspects of body function. Sleep is one area that almost always suffers when brain activity is abnormal. When a neurobiologist tackles specific sleep issues, they are looking for the brain waves that are causing sleep disruption. Just a tweak here or there and a neurobiologist can correct a person’s sleep issues.
By the way, better sleep can also be an unintended benefit that comes while the neurobiologist is addressing other unrelated issues.
3. Reduced ADHD Symptoms
One of the neurological symptoms associated with ADHD is slow-moving theta waves, which is then coupled with a deficit in sensory-motor rhythm. By manipulating a certain area of the brain with neurofeedback therapy, the symptoms of ADHD can be diminished or eliminated.
Some experts in the neurology science area claim these techniques are more effective than the medications doctors are giving to ADHD patients.
4. Reduced Anxiety
Anxiety occurs when a person struggles to remain calm and concentrated, as shown by an excess of fast-moving beta waves and a deficit of alpha waves in the brain scan. Neurofeedback therapy can slow down beta waves and brain function can be restored by a neurobiologist. The result could be less anxiety.
It’s worth noting that the manipulation of slow-moving beta waves can help reduce the symptoms of depression.
5. Improving Overall Brain Health
From a broader perspective, it makes logical that everything a neurobiologist can do to improve or correct any aspect of your brain function will result in greater overall brain health. Again using the computer as an example, any improvements made to software will make a computer run more effectively. That’s what neurofeedback therapy can do for your brain and body function.
What is EMDR Therapy
EMDR therapy is a form of psychotherapy that was designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. Find out more about this therapy here.
What is a Neuropsychological Evaluation
The neuropsychological evaluation, like those done in our Peoria AZ office, aims to provide critical developmental information on a child or young adult’s capacity in a lot of different areas.
Pediatric And Adult Neuropsychology
Neuropsychological Assessments combine developmental history with in-office and computerized testing. For educational planning, therapeutic suggestions, and forensic inquiries, they often examine intellectual, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, academic, and personality functioning to identify strengths and areas for growth.
Serin Center
If you are located in the Metro Phoenix Arizona area, Serin Center has two offices located in Peoria, AZ, and Scottsdale, AZ that can provide testing for Dyscalculia and provide Independent Educational Evaluations. Contact us today to discuss how we can help.
Our educational evaluations can provide diagnoses and generate specific goals and treatments to help your child succeed. Completed in Peoria & Scottsdale AZ