Is Stress Sabotaging Your Sleep? Simple Tips to Identify and Fix the Problem

Sleep has an important role in ensuring that your mind and body will remain sound and healthy. This is the way for your body to recharge, recuperate, and rest after a long tiring day. Not having enough hours of sleep would pose serious effect you not only mentally and physically, but also emotionally.

Additionally, sleep provides numerous benefits such the following:

  • Boosts up immune system
  • Helps in managing one’s weight
  • Reduces any potential injuries
  • Improves your mental and cognitive capacity
  • Keeps you alert and energized throughout the day

However, despite knowing the importance of having right amount of sleep, many still struggle to find a good balance between their lives.

In a recently published article by Inc. Magazine, our very own Dr. Serin shared some guidelines on what you can do when you’re having troubles about it. Check out some them below:

1. Is the problem related to sleep or stress?

Entrepreneurs constantly face deadlines and challenges, and that can leave you revved up even when it’s time to hit the hay. But sleep is crucial for success. That’s where your body’s natural relaxation system, the parasympathetic nervous system, comes in. It’s like a dimmer switch for your internal fire, and if it’s stuck on “high,” falling asleep becomes a struggle.

The good news? You have options to de-stress and train your brain for sleep. Neurotechnology tools and brain-training devices as well as exercises can help you shift gears into sleep mode. Plus, there are some tech tricks to be aware of.

Ditch the Devices Before Bed. While those “sleep mode” settings might seem like a good idea, they emit light that can disrupt your melatonin production, the very hormone that helps you doze off. Even lamps, overhead lighting, and little gadget lights can trick your brain into thinking it’s daytime.

Meditation apps, calming sounds, and music can all help you signal to your body that it’s time to wind down. By creating a relaxing bedtime routine, you’ll prime your brain for sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle anything.

Pro tip: Try orange, blue-blocking glasses that shut out enough blue spectrum light that you don’t have to obsessively block out all sources of light from your environment.

2. Are you having trouble winding down for sleep?

Tracking your sleep can be a great tool, but it shouldn’t become another source of worry. Instead, use the data to identify areas for improvement and focus on making small changes for better sleep. Remember, sleep is your body’s natural state. When stress isn’t hijacking your system, falling asleep comes easily.

Think of it like this: Have you ever noticed yourself yawning during a relaxing therapy session? That’s your body’s natural sleep drive taking over once stress levels drop. By focusing on stress-reduction techniques, you can unlock your body’s natural ability to drift off to sleep.

3. Could something else besides stress be disrupting your sleep?

It’s not always just stress! Many factors can disrupt a good night’s rest, like artificial light, noise, hormonal fluctuations, travel, caffeine, alcohol, lack of exercise, spicy late-night meals, or even a snoring partner. The good news? Often, simple tweaks to your routine or environment can significantly improve your sleep quality. We’ll explore some handy tips and tricks to help you drift off to dreamland.

4. Before exploring expensive or complex solutions, have you considered some simpler approaches that might address common sleep disruptors?

We’ve all seen it – someone invests in a fancy sleep setup, yet still struggles to doze off. Here’s the thing: expensive gadgets can’t address the root cause of sleep issues, especially if your brain is stuck in overdrive.

Before diving into fancy solutions, consider simpler approaches that tackle common sleep disruptors. For instance, stressful life events can leave a lasting impact on sleep. Therapy techniques like EMDR can help retrain your brain and naturally restore healthy sleep patterns.

The key takeaway? Addressing underlying causes, like stress or trauma, can be far more effective than relying solely on sleep gadgets.

5. Is your current approach to sleep improvement impacting other areas of your life?

Ditch the sleeping pills if, possible! While the urge for quick sleep is understandable, medication often provides temporary relief at best. Plus, there can be side effects and even the risk of dependence.

The good news: in most cases, there are natural solutions that work wonders! Recent studies even highlight quality control concerns with some sleep aids, like melatonin supplements. These can vary widely in dosage, making them unreliable.

Except for rare medical conditions, sleep problems are often rooted in stress and can be addressed effectively without medication. Next time you’re yearning for sleep, remember: it might be stress talking, and the solution is likely simpler than you think! We’ll explore natural strategies that can help you achieve restful sleep naturally.

Original article interview with Dr. Serin can be found here: