Narcissistic Personality Disorder: 11 Traits to Look Out For
Are you in a relationship with someone who displays Narcissistic Personality Disorder traits? Learn how to recognize the signs and protect yourself.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder can be a challenging and difficult condition to deal with, especially for those who are in a relationship with someone who has this disorder. Individuals with NPD often exhibit a wide range of traits, including grandiosity, entitlement, and lack of empathy, which can make it difficult to maintain healthy relationships.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition that affects a person’s sense of self-importance, entitlement, and lack of empathy. People with NPD tend to have an inflated sense of self-worth and crave attention and admiration. Their behavior can have a profound impact on those around them, especially those in intimate relationships. In this blog, we will discuss the 11 traits of someone with NPD, including definitions and examples of each.
Trait 1: Grandiosity
People with narcissistic personality disorder have an exaggerated sense of self-importance and often believe that they are superior to others. They may feel entitled to special treatment and admiration from those around them. For example, they may expect to be first in line or to receive VIP treatment.
Trait 2: Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Need for Admiration
People with NPD crave attention and admiration from others, and they will go to great lengths to get it. They may brag about their accomplishments, demand compliments, and seek out the company of people who will flatter them. For example, they may only associate with people who will reinforce their sense of self-importance.
Trait 3: Lack of Empathy
People with narcissistic personality disorder often lack empathy for others. They may be unable to understand or care about the feelings and needs of others, especially if they do not benefit from doing so. For example, they may dismiss the concerns of a partner or friend, or show no remorse for hurting someone’s feelings.
Narcissists may display a lack of empathy in several ways. For example, they may become impatient or annoyed when others share their problems, they may interrupt or talk over people who are trying to express themselves, or they may invalidate other people’s experiences by saying things like “you’re overreacting” or “that’s not a big deal.”
Trait 4: Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Sense of Entitlement
People with NPD often have an entitled attitude, believing that they deserve special treatment and privileges. They may expect others to meet their needs and wants, without considering the needs of others. For example, they may expect their partner to cater to their every whim, without reciprocating.
Trait 5: Arrogance
People with narcissistic personality disorder may be arrogant and condescending towards others. They may believe that they are smarter, more talented, or more attractive than others. For example, they may belittle others for their lack of intelligence or education.

Trait 6: Manipulation
People with NPD may manipulate others to get what they want. They may lie, deceive, or use charm to get others to comply with their wishes. For example, they may lie about their accomplishments or use flattery to get others to do their bidding.
Trait 7: Envy
People with narcissistic personality disorder may be envious of others, especially those who have what they want or who are admired by others. They may resent the success of others and seek to undermine or compete with them. For example, they may belittle the accomplishments of others or try to outdo them.
Trait 8: Lack of Boundaries
People with NPD may have a disregard for the boundaries of others. They may invade the personal space of others, pry into their personal lives, or expect others to share intimate details about themselves. For example, they may demand to know personal information about a new acquaintance or invade their personal space without permission.
Trait 9: Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Exploitation
People with NPD may exploit others for their own gain. They may use others for money, resources, or emotional support without any intention of reciprocating. For example, they may borrow money from a friend and never pay it back, or use a partner for emotional support without ever offering any in return.
Trait 10: Mood Swings
People with narcissistic personality disorder may have unpredictable mood swings and temper tantrums when they do not get their way. They may become angry, sullen, or withdrawn when they feel that they are not being treated with the respect and admiration that they feel they deserve. For example, they may become enraged when a partner cancels plans with them.
Trait 11: Entitled Behavior
People with narcissistic personality disorder often have a sense of entitlement and believe that they deserve special treatment. They may act arrogantly and insist on being recognized as superior to others. They may have unrealistic expectations of others and be intolerant of criticism or feedback. May believe that rules do not apply to them and have a tendency to exploit others for their own gain. This entitled behavior can cause problems in their personal and professional relationships, as others may find it difficult to tolerate their attitude and demands.
Furthermore, individuals with narcissistic personality disorder are often insensitive to the feelings of others, including their partners and loved ones. They may frequently make derogatory comments, belittle their loved ones, or criticize their appearance, behavior, or abilities. Narcissists may also blame others for their own mistakes or problems, making it difficult for them to take responsibility for their actions.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
It’s important to recognize the signs of NPD early on so that you can take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones. If you suspect that someone you know may have narcissistic personality disorder, it’s important to seek professional help. A therapist or psychologist who specializes in personality disorders can help you navigate the complexities of this condition and develop strategies for coping with the challenges that come with it.
Remember that you can’t change a person with narcissistic personality disorder, but you can take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones. It’s important to set boundaries, practice self-care, and surround yourself with supportive people who understand what you’re going through. With time and effort, you can heal from the damage caused by NPD and learn to build healthy, fulfilling relationships.
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